A Better Side
Djan Bacelar was brutally honest in his post-game assessment. "On current evident, we didn't quite deserve to win the match, and certainly not the league. Congratulations to the visitors, it's between them and Penguins, and perhaps Flames."
One reporter tried to get the head coach's opinion on another problematic outing from under-fire goalkeeper
Krystian Rykowski, but on this Bacelar would only speak about his stricken Number One. "
Wong Tian Han's doing well in rehab. The doctors tell me he could be back for the return fixture."
On the title front, Pudgy Penguins' flawless season rolled on without pause, as Turkish striker Tunç Aykal inspired them to a 3-2 away win against Pearl Divers, scoring all three. S-League recordholder Isle of Flames achieved the same against Charis FC, but remain five points behind the defending champs.
Grilled's only consolation is that they should be able to get some points from their upcoming doubleheader against QUT FC, who remained on zero as they were shut out by singnet_utd. Captain
Tian Yonghang was wary of taking them for granted, however.
"Personally, I think it's strange that QUT have yet to manage even a draw." Tian said. "They have put up a decent fight in all their games, but somehow come away with nothing. It's almost as if they're cursed this season, but in any case, we don't really want to generous here."
In III.5 Dodogado destroyed Farmer Bunnies 5-0 at Carrot Field, a margin that was more or less expected.
Elias van Dal chose to be pleased at the progress his latest trainees are showing, and selected
Kwek Yun Jie for special mention.
"Kwek has shown great energy and tactical promise." the Dutchman praised. "He's been getting into the right positions of late. If he keeps it up, he'll make a fine regular wingback."