15 May 2022
The Germ Spreads

The younglings aside, all the critique over the goalkeeping chops of 36 year-old Italian veteran Manuel Vadalà had evidently gotten to Tian Yonghang, as the head coach authorized S$4 million towards bringing in some competition, in the form of Dimitris Germanakos. The 23 year-old Greek would arrive highly recommended from Turkish V.118 leaders Esenspor, where he had spent some three years after leaving his native club pontosgr.

Tian would be sold by Germanakos' ability to read dead balls, from his short trial at The Cooking Pot, and after that it was just a question of how quickly he could get the candidate to sign on the dotted line. "To be frank, our defence and loss of possession notwithstanding, we were letting in more goals that we could have." Tian said in a barely-disguised critique of Vadalà. "I think we must do better there."

Other than Germanakos, Tian revealed that he had also been looking at Dutchman Larry de Visser of Italian seventh division side Bologna F.C, who however had two years on Germanakos, and had just recovered from a rib injury. De Visser would eventually garner serious bids by Dutch VI.655 club Afc The Salomo One and Turkish VI.358 outfit Ümran FC, and sign for the latter for much the same price.

    Hayes Fever
    Jaya Let Go
    Kabouters Kapowed
    Reaped By The Hurricane
    The Germ Spreads
    Living Up To Names
    Buns Back UTP
    Enter Sandrats
    Anam Saves Ghana
    Chee & Gårda
2016-08-01 00:37:41
anonymous: Thanks for the special mention :) I would just like to expre...
2015-08-17 18:50:02
anonymous: excellent read as always!- Yjorn
2015-06-13 03:08:41
anonymous: Rasha say
2014-12-14 16:56:39
gilbertlim: well, it seemed like that.
2014-12-12 18:26:33
anonymous: I didn't play a 4-5-2
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