Kawasaki To Blutgrätsche
Farmer Bunnies wing trainee D'Andre Kawasaki won a professional contract with German VII.169 club FC Blutgrätsche 2006 a week after turning seventeen, for a fee of just over S$28000. A hat-trick last month against Czech side FC Plysak had raised Kawasaki's already-high stock, which led Portuguese head coach Acácio Guerra to approach the Buns for him, a day after recruiting defensive players Calvin Sillan and Mario Alocci.
Rancher Rabbits scout Tong Han Kong described Kawasaki as one of the best pure wingers that the team had seen in some years. "There's still quite a bit to work on, but in taking the ball up the wings, he's a natural. Oh, and he cuts a fine figure in Blutgrätsche red too."